我已不再年轻,不再关心谁喜欢我,谁讨厌我。I'm too old to worry about who likes me and who dislikes me. 我有更重要的事情要做。I have more important things to do. 如果你爱我,我也爱你。lf you love me,l love you. 如果你支持我,我也支持你。lf you support me,l support you. 如果你讨厌我,我不在乎。lf you hate me,l don't care. 无论有你没你,生活都在继续。Life goes on with or without you. 现在,我想借此机会和你分享一点人生建议。 Now I want to take this opportunity to give you some advice. 漫漫人生路上,你会发现不公平的事情多了去了。 Over the course of your life,you will find that things are not always fair. 你会发现,本不属于你的不可承受之重,却结结实实压在你肩上,而且很多时候简直是飞来横祸。 You will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted.  但你必须低下头去战斗,战斗,战斗。 But you have to put your head down and fight,fight,fight.  永远 永远 永远 不要放弃。 Never, ever ever give up.  事情总会好起来的。 Things will work out just fine. 你不能让那些批评和唱反调的人妨碍你实现梦想。 You can't let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams. 永远不要停止做正确的事。And never stop doing what is right.  值得做的事从来都不容易。Nothing worth doing ever came easy.  你的战斗越正义你将面临的反对就多
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